mind your SELF

mind your SELF

How can you take care of everyone else without first taking care of you. This whole blog series for Chapter 34 is all about minding my business (whatever pertains to me).

Day one of the blog is dedicated to SELF.

By definition, SELF is a person or thing referred to with respect to complete individuality. (source: Dictionary.com)

  • Do you know who you are?

  • Do you know what makes you, YOU?

  • How are you different from others?

I challenge anyone reading to answer these questions however you see fit, because there is no wrong answer - it’s your truth. If you don’t know, find out. I’ll tell you this much it wasn’t until I found God that I found out who I was.

Listen, there’s no one else out there like you this was something I realized! Not in a cocky or self-centered way but in an aha moment - like God only made one me! It was time for me to do more to take care of me. Yes, I can and will still fulfill my responsibilities as a mother and wife… without neglecting my needs as an individual. Once I started taking care of SELF, it made it easier to DO everything else.

Guys I’m so excited about this year’s posts! I still don’t have my life together like I want it and that’s ok, I’m learning so much on this journey that’s all that matters to me at this point. 2021 has truly been good to me, the good has out weighed the bad and I will not complain. I’ll share my truth even when it’s painful… I learned I’m more resilient than I thought.

Until tomorrow… mind your SELF (whatever that may look like for you).

Peace, love, happiness, and obedience!

mind your HEART

mind your HEART

