


Small group season was upon us and I decided I wanted to commit to doing at least one group. There was this one group I kept hearing about pertaining to small groups, called Freedom. It was the group for people that needed to dive deeper in their relationship with Christ. I was ready to do more and determined to give it my all because I knew there were some things, I needed to be free from. Before doing the small group, I had experienced my first deliverance service while volunteering for a women’s conference and I know now that was just the start of God getting to the roots of some of my issues internally.

I signed up for one of the Freedom small groups with this sweet young prayer warrior, that would always stand in the gap for me and my family in prayer when I would go up during altar call. I am so thankful for this jewel, such a beautiful soul!

Ok so the first day I walked into the home… the one thing I noticed is that I was one of the only black women. Like why does that have to be the first thing I notice. However, I did not want that to hinder me from growing in my walk with God and doing the work. My mind was made up, no turning back and by the end of the small group session I was the only black woman in our group. I had learned from the book the “The Third Option” by Myles McPherson to choose another option, to honor others that do not look like me. To choose to be the change I wanted to see in the world and help bring about unity instead of division. Being a member at a majority white church has taught me how to honor people that would other wise not honor me based off the color of my skin. I realized not all white people or people that do not look like are the enemy.

The Freedom small group was one of the most powerful experiences I have ever had since giving my life to Christ. Listen you do not have to be a member to participate in a small group! I am going to do another Freedom group this year, so that I can co-lead one in the future. It is such a powerful and practical way to minister to others and lead people to Christ.

I said all that to say this… it was because of everything I learned and experienced during Freedom that allowed me to forgive Pastor Chris after hearing what he did. As a minority it hurt, but I know God allowed it to happen so that He would be a better shepherd to the minority of his flock (the members that do not look like him). He was humbled, he genuinely apologized and has made efforts to commit to unity. I normally cut folks off when I feel like I have been done wrong, especially someone in leadership or authority. Thank God for growth!

Peace, love, happiness, and obedience!

mind your SELF

mind your SELF

the minority

the minority