mind your BODY

mind your BODY

If it’s your first time joining in, this year’s blog series for Chapter 34 is all about minding my business (whatever pertains to me).

The 4th install of the blog is dedicated to minding my BODY… in a nutshell I’m feeling myself now.

Listen ya’ll I’m not skinny, skinny no more… my grown woman weight finally stuck yaaaaas! I said that because in the past I would gain weight and then lose it within a few months. This time around it’s sticking and I ain’t mad, I’m GLAD about it!

You’d be surprised but some of the most beautiful women have insecurities about what they look like… those ladies you think have it all, have real life insecurities. Crazy, right?!

In this season… I have grown to love my natural body! I’ve always had an athletic build and been skinny most of my life. Listen at some point I was saving up my coins to get some work done and I’m not knocking anyone who chooses that route because I was very close to making that move. Glad I delayed the decision because I love my body, I like the way my clothes fit, I actually have curves and I know how to style my body type better. Knowing how to style your body type makes a difference ladies!

Oh and check this out… during the pandemic I was more into doing at home Yoga and Pilates workouts and one day I drove by a “Club Pilates”, stopped to get some info and ended up getting a membership to the studio. If you’ve never tried it, you should def give it a try. Never knew “simple looking” moves could be so challenging. It’s my fav type of workout by far!

So in closing - minding my body, gave me confidence and acceptance of my new body and helped me find a workout that keeps my body looking fab!

Until tomorrow… love yourself and don’t forget to mind your BODY.

Peace, love, happiness, and obedience!

mind your YONI

mind your YONI

mind your SPIRIT

mind your SPIRIT