mind your CAREER

mind your CAREER

If it’s your first time reading… this year’s blog series for Chapter 34 is all about minding my business (whatever pertains to me).

Install #9 of the blog is dedicated to minding my CAREER!

One thing I experienced this year that I had never done before was resign from a corporate job. After 15 years, I had the opportunity to leave my job and work as an entrepreneur fulltime. I took a 5 year buy-out and it was approved and as of April 1, 2021 I have been a full-time entrepreneur.

I have absolutely no regrets, no doubts, leaving my job and accepting a buy-out agreement was the best decision for the next move in my career.

…it took years getting to this point, however I always knew being a government employee would be temporary & not the final chapter in my career. I knew it was merely a stepping stone, a chapter that would come to an end one day.

How is life being a fulltime entrepreneur working in Real Estate? I know you guys want to know —well life is great! Happy to be on the other side of of what was once a dream. I am my own boss (directed by God). I have more creative energy to do more for my business. I am more active and present in my children’s lives. We have been able to expand our business rapidly since I left and to God be the glory! We are collaborating with other like-minded entrepreneurs to help others.

Oh but don’t get it twisted, it’s hard work, busy/productive days, hard decisions, trial and error… it’s not as glamorous as you think it is based off my social media post lol!

By the way, everything wasn’t perfectly mapped out for me making this transition and guess what that’s ok! Everyone’s story is different and unique to their situation/circumstances don’t think because you didn’t check off every bullet point on that “Before I live my job To-Do List” that you won’t be successful. I’m a walking testimony that you can and will… when it’s your time, it’s your time because honestly timing is everything!

Tomorrow I close the chapter on 34 and start writing chapter 35… I have one last thing to share before I close out this year’s blog series.

Peace, Love, Happiness, Kisses and Obedience!

mind your LIFE

mind your LIFE