mind your LIFE

mind your LIFE

Photo Credit: Fredrostar Photography

Get-cho life!

The last install for the “mind your BUSINESS” series is “mind your LIFE”

In the age of the internet, keeping up with folks on social media, starting businesses or maintaining one, working extended hours for your employer and this “no days off mentality” that ain’t it… don’t forget to LIVE! Don’t get caught up worrying about what everybody got going on, and trying to keep up with the Jones - OK… stop wasting time and start living the life you’ve been given! Don’t get so caught up with work… you work hard - play harder!

Be grateful for the life God gave you because it’s unique to you. Be grateful for the people in your life. Be grateful for the present moment. Be grateful for the good and the bad because it all works together for the good. Choose gratitude, make it a habit to acknowledge who and what you’re grateful for daily… it will lift your spirits and you’re forced to realize it could be worse.

To sum up this series, to close it out… mind every last bit of your life because you never know when it’s your last day. I realized I hadn’t been living my life to the fullest. Like I said on my first post… I almost lost it all and the reality of that did something to me. It was a bit of an awaking and now that I’ve experienced my first silent retreat, whew life changing.

Before I head out I want to pray for those who aren’t living… those struggling and feeling broken, unhappy, who have experienced something traumatic. This prayer is for you…

Father God in YOU we have freedom, freedom to live life abundantly! Heal the hearts of those struggling… Lord we don’t want to live life bound by our past, our fears, our doubts, or our sins - we want freedom to live and thrive with no limits! We know it’s ok to feel but help us to not get stuck there. Break the chains that have us bound and lead us to live life full of grace, purpose, love, hope and service to you. In Jesus name, AMEN!

Until next time, mind your BUSINESS and getcho LIFE!

Peace, love, happiness, and obedience!

Photo Credit: Fredrostar Photography
mind your CAREER

mind your CAREER