

Before I get started on today’s entry…

When I began writing these post and even when I launched the blog last year. I was in a different place/season of my life. I was able to get away and be alone for an extended amount of time to think and get in a creative groove. I want to be honest with you guys, because I don’t know no other way to be during this writing process. 2020 has thrown me off, like there are a lot of things I usually do differently but because the pandemic has changed how everything is run these days I’ve had to accept the fact that it’s out of my control. I’m having to put my feelings aside and not abort my assignments just because it’s not set up like it has been in the past. I normally like to have my blog post written up and thought out in a more organized fashion and the day or days before. That’s not how it’s happening this year… matter of fact ya’ll I almost didn’t do my August Blog posts. Most of my notes were left at my work desk because I would always write different ideas, aha moments and epiphanies during the day whenever I had breaks from working that I knew I wanted to share in August. Also as an introvert and someone with mental issues… it’s been a struggle for me to get that me time I really need. (Like right now my daughter is in the background making noise that made me look back at her with the Mom eyes, the struggle is real for me.)

I felt the need to share that with you guys because the blog post will not be posted at a consistent time each day and I have had to accept that lol. It might not be grammatically correct either, I am my own editor… if you see a mistake, you know what I meant fix it in your head and keep reading! (Thanks and love you for not being the grammar police lol) I’ve got to just DO IT and be ok that it may not be what I see as perfect. When I say I have had to learn to be ok with things now going as planned… whew I have had to get over a lot so that I wouldn’t be miserable, mad and just plain ugly. Growth don’t take place in our comfort zones right, so being in this space is meant for my good. I am being stretched to not quit what I start, to push through even when I’m frustrated, and to finish strong. Every - single - day! I love how God makes it all work together for our GOOD.

…let’s get into it!

contagion |


a disease spread by close contact.


the spreading of a harmful idea or practice.

There is no way that I couldn’t talk about the huge invisible elephant in the room. Never in a million years did I see us where we are right now. We are living through what will be written in history books on so many levels.

I tried to be optimistic about COVID-19, I remember telling my cube mates that it would all pass over and everything would be ok. Boy was I wrong. It got real, REAL quick. There was this movie I watched in March that helped me to gain a better perspective and to take it more seriously, the name of the movie was call “Contagion” (watch the trailer) it came out in 2011. I was in Ohio at the time that I watched the movie… I ended up watching it 3 times in the span of my short stay there. I was blown away at how I felt our current reality was depicted by a movie that came out 9 years ago. I’ve never witnessed anything like this and after seeing that I decided I would not play around with this disease!

As I prepared to write this blog I looked up the definition of the word and of course the movie did a great job of showing how the disease spread by close contact all over the world. But check this out… look at that latter definition “the spread of a harmful idea or practice.” I immediately thought about how in the midst of a pandemic we watched a white officer put his knee and full body weight on a black man’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. I’m not sure you guys are aware but that police officer was actually training the other police officers at the time. While COVID-19 was spreading we still had harmful ideas and practices being taught by people in leadership roles. WOW, the irony of it all. The fact this particular case of police brutality occurred during a time where everyone was pretty much at a stand still in their lives, the light came on for some people, this incident did something for so many individuals that would have otherwise accepted that act of force from the police officer.

We were forced to come to the realization that COVID-19 wasn’t the only issue we were dealing with… Racism’s deeply rooted harmful bias ideas and practices have been infiltrating the world for decades and there hasn’t been enough time invested in finding a cure.

I’ll stop here and finish up tomorrow…

Peace, Love, Happiness, and Kisses!

confusion & chaos

confusion & chaos